Texas’s Legislature is considering a flurry of new bills aimed at giving greater legal protections to animals. Many feel these measures are long overdue – the Humane Society of the United States has ranked Texas 36th in the nation for its animal protection laws. However, opponents of the bills state that Texas does not need further regulations, and in fact, has strong penalties in place already for animal cruelty.
The various bills cover a wide range of animal rights issues, from regulations on large commercial dog and cat breeders to categorizing cockfighting as an organized criminal activity. Under one bill, persons requesting a Protective Order for family violence could include their pets. So, if you are concerned that your ex may try to hurt you by hurting your pet, you could get protection for Fido, too. Fatal Attraction, anyone?
It is already becoming more and more common to include pets in family law orders. In the past, our firm has even created something in the nature of a “visitation schedule” for divorcing pet owners. The Wright Firm is here to help your family – even the furry and feathered family members. Give us a call at (972) 353-4600 or check us out on the web at www.thewrightlawyers.com!
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